Cyngor Eco
Beth yw'r Cyngor Eco?
Grwp o ddisgyblion yr ysgol yw'r Cyngor Eco ysgol sydd yn cael eu hethol i gynrychioli llais a barn yr holl ddisgyblion er mwyn edrych ar ol amgylchedd yr ysgol.
Ein cod Eco:
P lîs arhoswch a gwrando,
A m ein bod angen gwneud gwahaniaeth.
R ydym am ailgylchu ac ailddefnyddio!
C odwch eich sbwriel,
Y gorau hoffwn wneud.
R haid gweithredu cyn bod hi’n rhy hwyr,
H elpwch ni i newid y byd,
U n dim o blant gwych ydym ni!
N i anghofiwn, brwydrwn yn erbyn y sialens.
Autumn Term – Eco Council
Our aims
1. We would like to hold a switch off day in school to ensure that all pupils are aware of energy usage. The Eco committee will distribute a tick sheet to all classes which will include a list of reminders for example, turn off the lights when not in class.
2. We have sent homework our for Years 3-6 to write a poem about sustainability for world poem day (1st October)
3. Continue to collect donations towards our preloved school uniforms. The clothing rail will go outside weekly during drop off and pick up times. Parents will be able to purchase the clothes for a donation.
4. We will be collecting preloved Christmas jumpers to sell for Christmas jumper day this year.
5. On the 12th of December we will be holding a sustainable Christmas fair where all classes across the school will be selling a sustainable Christmas item created in class as our sustainable class project.
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