Safeguarding & Child Protection
The persons nominated with responsibility for child protection in the school are :
Mrs N Hallam - Headteacher
Miss N Williams - Deputy Headteacher
Mrs M Higgins - ALNCO Leader, Senior Management
Mrs N Davies - Persons nominated
Llywodraethwr: Mrs Nia Jones
All members of staff within this school are responsible for the safety and protection of the children who attend. If there are any concerns regarding neglect or physical, emotional or sexual abuse then under the Welsh Assembly and Local Authority’s Child Protection Procedures, staff are duty bound to report the matter to the school’s Child Protection Co-ordinator. Consequently, the school’s co-ordinator may consult with professional colleagues as well as relevant agencies such as Health and Social Services. The school’s Child Protection Policy can be viewed at school by request.
Following these discussions the school’s co-ordinator may be obliged to make an official referral to the Social Services Department in accordance with national /county guidelines and protocol. It is the Social Services Department who decides upon the next course of action. Due to the nature of allegations it may not always be appropriate to discuss matters with parents prior to making a referral. The responsibility for investigating allegations lies with Social Services and the Police.
Doors cannot be opened from the outside. Therefore, entry to the school must be made through the main entrance via the School Office. All yards are enclosed. Burglar and fire alarms are also fitted.
Safeguarding - Useful Numbers
Cadeirydd y Llywodraethwyr/ Chair of Governors:
Mr Nick Donovan
Llywodraethwr Dynodedig/ Designated Governor:
Mrs Nia Jones
Diogelu- Rhifau Defynddiol/ Safeguarding- Useful Numbers
Becky Thomas: 01554 742369/ 07976466399
Adolygiad Diogelu a Phresenoldeb Ysgolion
Schools Safeguarding and Attendance Team
Tîm Atgyfeirio Canolig / Central Referral Team: 01554 742322
Tŷ Elwyn, Llanelli
E-bost/ E-mail:
Tu allan i Oriau Swyddfa/ Out of Office Hours: 0300 333 2222
Rhifau Defnyddiol Arall/ Other Useful Contacts:
- Carmarthenshire Local Safeguarding Children’s Board: 01267 246544
- NSPCC Helpline: 0800 800 500
- Dyfed Powys Police: 0845 330 2000
Operation Encompass
We are part of Operation Encompass
Operation Encompass ensures that there is a simple telephone call or notification to a school’s trained Designated Safeguarding Lead /Officer (known as key Adult) prior to the start of the next school day after an incident of police attended domestic abuse where there are children related to either of the adult parties involved.
Operation Encompass is a police and education early information safeguarding partnership enabling schools to offer immediate support to children experiencing domestic abuse.
The school participates in Operation Endeavour.
The purpose of Operation Endeavour is to safeguard and support those children and young people who have been reported missing from home. It is thought that approximately 25% of children and young people that go missing are at risk of serious harm. There are particular concerns about the links between children running away and the risks of sexual exploitation. Operation Endeavour aims to ensure that a Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP) has been identified within the schools and are appropriately trained. They are to be made aware of the incidents at the earliest opportunity in order to provide timely and tailored support to children and young people at the start of, and during the school day.
Pwrpas Ymgyrch Endeavour yw diogelu a chefnogi'r plant a'r bobl ifanc hynny yr adroddwyd eu bod ar goll o'u cartrefi. Credir bod tua 25% o blant a phobl ifanc sy'n mynd ar goll mewn perygl o niwed difrifol. Mae pryderon penodol am y cysylltiadau rhwng plant yn rhedeg i ffwrdd a'r risgiau o gamfanteisio'n rhywiol. Nod Ymgyrch Endeavour yw sicrhau bod Person Diogelu Dynodedig (DSP) wedi'i nodi yn yr ysgolion a'i fod wedi'i hyfforddi'n briodol. Byddant yn cael gwybod am y digwyddiadau cyn gynted â phosibl er mwyn darparu cymorth amserol a phwrpasol i blant a phobl ifanc ar ddechrau, ac yn ystod y diwrnod ysgol.
Team Around the Family
From time to time, everyone needs a little extra help for happy, healthy and successful lives. Team Around the Family (TAF) is a way of bringing people together who can help you and your family really make a difference. TAF will work with you and make sure you get the help and support you need.
TAF Carmarthenshire works together with children, young people and their families to overcome challenges and to bring about positive change, as everyone needs a bit of extra support from time to time.
Following a referral being made, a JAFF Assessment is completed which is based on your families strengths and needs. This assessment will help us to understand your situation and to draw out any support needs. A TAF plan of support will be created to include all relevant support services who are likely to be able to help and make a difference.
The process ensures that you can be involved throughout the process and be part of the solution.
Team Around the Family is not a Statutory Service which means you will not be working with a Social Worker and you can change your mind at any time.
Team Around the Family can provide help and support with all sorts of issues such as concerns about school and education, behaviour, health, housing, etc.
If you would like to know more about how TAF could support you, please contact the team or explore this section of the website.